Monday, December 4, 2023
Inmuebles Reformas & Decoración

How to heat a home without investing a fortune in heating?

At a time when electricity and gas costs (along with many other mandatory expenses) remain at exorbitant levels, it is more crucial than ever to address those recurring questions that arise winter after winter: How to keep the house warm a minimum consumption? How to heat a home without using heating?

The reality is that, beyond depending on devices to air condition your home, there are some tricks and suggestions that will be useful to attract and conserve the accumulated heat without incurring additional expenses.

Choose good insulation

It is essential to invent windows and doors that ensure effective insulation, not only in terms of tightness, but also in relation to the ability of the material itself to maintain an adequate temperature inside.

Not all materials offer the same performance, so it is necessary to select models that fit the specific needs imposed by the climate of your region. If at this time your budget does not allow the investment in new windows and doors, you can always resort to alternatives such as insulating tapes, weather stripping, transparent films for window glass or filling cracks and holes to prevent the entry of outside air.

Opt for curtains according to the season

A gesture as simple as choosing the right curtains can help conserve heat or do the opposite. In this way, light and clear curtains will be more appropriate for summer, while thicker curtains with dark colors will be more helpful during winter.

Strategically use rugs

Similar to curtains, using rugs during the winter will allow you to conserve and even generate heat, especially if the floor in your home tends to be cold, as is the case with marble. In addition, opting for parquet and other warm materials will also help create a more pleasant environment.

Use blankets and warm textiles

The textiles we choose for beds, sofas, armchairs... can play a fundamental role in creating a more comfortable environment. A quality blanket, warm cushions and a thick duvet are key elements in setting the right mood without incurring additional costs.

It is also essential that the clothes you choose to wear at home meet these same characteristics: it is not necessary to opt for short-sleeved clothing during the winter or try to generate a tropical climate through excessive use of heating.

Choose dark colors

We have highlighted the relevance of dark colors, but have you considered using them in elements beyond textiles? For example, you could consider painting the walls in different shades depending on your needs. This simple renovation, in addition to being economically viable, will renew the appearance of your home.

Ventilate at the right time

It is important to ventilate only for the necessary time and at a time when sunlight falls directly on your home. Likewise, as the sun sets and the outside temperatures drop, it will be the ideal time to keep your home as insulated as possible.

Take advantage of the heat of the sun

Following what was mentioned above, it is essential that you take advantage of solar heat to your advantage, since it constitutes the main natural and free source that you can turn to. This involves placing dark textiles in places that receive sunlight, opening the curtains during warm hours to heat the room, placing thick and warm rugs in strategic places...

The placement of objects in each corner of your home, as well as their choice, should not be casual.

Close unused rooms

Another simple strategy to make better use of natural heat is to keep closed those rooms that you are not going to use daily and, therefore, do not need to heat. It is only necessary to close the door and, if necessary, use insulating material to achieve maximum tightness. There is no point in spending money on raising the temperature of a space that will not be used.

Take advantage of residual heat from other appliances

Particularly when the sun goes down and we cannot benefit from this natural source of heat, it can be a good time to carry out tasks that generate high temperatures, such as a hot shower, drying your hair or cooking. This inevitable consumption will be easier to "recycle" if we distribute these activities intelligently throughout the day.

Remember that we carry out renovations of all kinds in Roses, Empuriabrava and the Costa Brava. We provide a custom budget for the renovation you want to carry out in your house, apartment or home and we adapt to your needs and possibilities. Budget without commitment. Contact us!

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